1) Introducing the hardline according to Noel Edmonds

2) Una paloma wanker

3) "Pebble Mill was never like this"

4) It's hip to be square (note requisite multi-coloured mid-80s backdrop)

5) And the award for the nation's-most-listened-to-Cold-War-musical-based-on-an-allegory-of-a-parlour-game goes to...

That JK picture presumably comes from the 1987 awards which he wrote and presented, and in the Radio Times he said, "As I'm writing the acceptance speeches, I can cut them down to nothing". How many hosts write the winners' speeches for them? What a twat.
Of course, when they were banging on about the Brit School the other night, people forget that it was originally "launched" in 1989 by Mark Knopfler and Alan Price, with a mass booing of Kenneth Baker, much to Cliff's ire. That audience were bloody right, though, is there a more hateful group of people than the preening, egotistical Brit School pupils who make up the audience of the current show?
What was the name of that senile old American who used to be Chairman of the BPI who used to bring his dog on with him?
I wrote an article about the Brits on Wednesday for www.tatp.org and only casually mentioned JK in passing re: his involvement. 8 hours later I had a really nice email from him, with all sorts of facts included. It did make me think he was a bit less of a wanker than I did previous. Even if he is clearly googling his own name every 3 hours.
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