Here's a fantastic clip from the fantastic RDA, a show that deserved so much more of everything (acclaim, audience, recommissions...).
It's John introducing a tribute to studio 2 at Television Centre, followed by the best way to end a series ever:
4 weeks ago
Yes! This is a brilliant clip, and one I've been dying to see again. Funnily enough this was the very first thing I watched on digital TV, when I had ONDigital for three days then took it back as I could only get the Beeb channels.
The RDA was a brilliant series, though, and there's bugger all about it on the web. There used to be a fansite but it's long gone, and there isn't even a Wikipedia page. It was such a remarkable series, it was basically a telly show about a telly show.
John Gordillo now seems to work very much behind the scenes, I know he's co-written and directed Reginald D Hunter's shows, but as you can see here he was a brilliant presenter and should have been on telly more. I do know that when they were considering a permanenent replacement for Angus on HIGNFY, before they decided to keep rotating hosts, Alexander Armstrong said it was a toss-up between him and John, who would have been great. Alas, he's never even done one show.
I got yer fan page right here:
Cosmos Transmutazoid was ace!
Thanks Tim, there is of course Richard Williams' page there - which is a great site on the whole - although there was another RDA site with loads of video clips and an episode guide. The two entries that most stick with me there are...
* Hats - Everything you wanted to know about millinery in this useful guide.
* Paul Foot appeared to introduce a film he had made at a holiday camp, only to be told it had not been edited together yet. When he returned a week later to finally show it, the film was truly awful.
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